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Children’s Dental Services

Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry offers pediatric dental services for patients in the Boise area that promote healthy oral habits children will carry with them into adulthood. Preventive dental care, including cleanings and fluoride treatment, is essential to building healthy teeth and gums at a young age. For two decades, we have been a top-rated dental office in the community, and we’re currently accepting new patients. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!

Pediatric Services at Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

When children make their first visits to the dentist, most of our work includes oral health exams, cleanings, and monitoring the growth of children’s teeth. As situations call for it, our practice provides comprehensive pediatric dental services that help prevent cavities and gum issues. We offer restorative services when needed to heal from accidents or other dental complications. We are here for:

  • Cleanings
  • Diet and nutrition recommendations for healthy teeth and gums
  • Reinforcement of good dental habits
  • Cavity repair and fillings
  • Gum disease management
  • Tooth decay repair
  • Tooth extractions
  • Care of dental or oral injuries

The Importance of Perfecting Small Smiles Early

Establishing healthy smiles and good dental habits early can make a world of difference for overall oral health care today and tomorrow. The office of Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry offers child-friendly dental care services with your child’s best interest in mind. Child dental services offered by Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry include:

  • Ages 1-3– Free Happy Visits!
  • Ages 4-6– Free X-Rays.

Can I Prevent a Dental Cavity in Children?

You can help your children reduce their risk of dental cavities by teaching them about the importance of proper oral hygiene and regular visits to a dentist. Some tips for preventing cavities in children are:

  • Brushing twice per day with a fluoridated toothpaste and a soft children’s toothbrush
  • Flossing each day
  • Using a fluoridated mouth rinse or visiting the dentist for fluoride treatments
  • Getting your child dental sealants to reduce their risk of cavities
  • Limiting your child’s consumption of sugary drinks and foods
  • Encouraging your child to drink water throughout the day
  • Visiting the dentist every six months for a dental cleaning and exam

What Is a Children’s Dentist or Pediatric Dentist?

A children’s dentist is a dental professional who offers treatment options for infants, children, young adults, and teens. They focus on dental education and instruction on the proper care of teeth and gums and maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine. Pediatric dentistry is the field of dentistry that focuses on treating children from birth through adolescence.

Why Is Children’s Dental Care So Important?

Children’s dental care can reduce your child’s risk of tooth decay, dental cavities, bad breath, and other dental and oral health issues. Regular dental care also establishes healthy habits that will stick with your child for a lifetime. Visiting the dentist regularly can promote proper tooth and jaw development and offer early detection and intervention of issues that could affect your child’s teeth, gums, jaw, and soft palate.

When Should My Child Visit a Dentist for the First Time?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children visit a dentist by their first birthday or when their first tooth comes in, whichever event happens first. Your dentist will then recommend an appropriate schedule for your dental visits depending on your child’s oral health and risk factors for dental problems. Most children should visit the dentist every six months.

How Can I Prepare My Child for a Visit to the Dentist?

You should start talking to your child about the importance of regular dental visits as soon as their first tooth comes in. You should use positive language and use learning tools like child-appropriate videos and children’s books. You can also play pretend using toys that are designed to show children how to brush their teeth. Avoid using scary terms or allowing your child to see scary imagery about dentists. If possible, schedule a visit to the dental office prior to your child’s first appointment so they can see what the office looks like, meet the staff, and get comfortable in the office.

A Welcoming Environment for Children of All Ages

At our dental practice, we provide a welcoming environment for children and families visiting us for services. Our office is set up with a children’s area that includes a TV and video games for children while they wait for their appointments. We want all of our patients, even the youngest ones, to have a positive and memorable experience each time they visit the dentist.

Schedule a Pediatric Dental Checkup Today

At Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Hayhurst and our team offer compassionate, fear-free dental care to children and adolescents. We focus on patient education, prevention, and instilling good oral hygiene habits in children so they develop a lifelong understanding of the importance of proper dental care. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a pediatric dental checkup in Boise, ID.

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