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Compassionate General and Family Dentistry in Boise, ID

Good oral hygiene starts with general dentistry services by a dentist you can trust. Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry offers general and family dentistry to patients of all ages, covering annual cleanings, regular exams, and additional preventative services. We believe in a holistic approach to dental care and put an emphasis on educating each patient about the services we offer and the benefits they provide. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

General Dentistry for a Bright and Healthy Smile

Our general dentistry services focus on preventative care to ensure you have the healthiest smile possible while staying ahead of any issues teeth and gums are susceptible to. Routine visits to the dentist are essential for a healthy mouth while patients practice good oral hygiene at home. Visits with our staff are not only an opportunity for us to clean and examine your teeth and gums but it’s a time for patients to ask questions and bring up any concerns they may have.

Family Dentistry for Patients of All Ages

Healthy teeth in adults start with kids and teenagers. Our family dentistry practice welcomes patients of all ages. We strongly believe that children who develop healthy dental habits continue with those into adulthood and experience fewer issues with teeth and gums than adults who haven’t visited a dentist regularly. Our team has years of experience with children, and we work hard to alleviate any concerns of our younger patients to ensure they feel comfortable visiting our welcoming office.

Make Regular Dental Exams Part of Your Overall Health

Regular dental exams are an integral part of a person’s overall health and should be kept up with regularly. We recommend a checkup at least twice a year. A thorough cleaning by a dental hygienist addresses the areas of your teeth and gums that are hard to reach by brushing and flossing at home. Exams are also an opportunity to address any concerns with the dentist before they become too severe.

General and Cosmetic Dentistry for dental patients in Boise, ID

Dental Services for Every Need

The general and family dentistry services offered at our practice include everything necessary for a happy and healthy mouth. Families visit us for:

Schedule Your Dental Exam Today

Whether you’re looking for a new dentist or it’s been a while since you’ve had a cleaning, we welcome new patients to our general and family dentistry practice in Boise, ID. You can expect a pleasant experience with our staff, who will take time to educate you on good oral hygiene and discuss any past or present dental issues that are bothering you. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

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