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Emergency Dentistry in Boise, ID

While some dental issues can wait to be looked at, others require immediate treatment due to pain or risk factors that accompany them. If you need same-day emergency dental treatment, Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry works with patients to provide timely treatment for relief. Contact our office right away if you need immediate treatment.

Preventative dental care for your teeth and gums in Boise, ID

Is It Really an Emergency?

If you’re unsure if your issue classifies as an emergency or not, that’s OK; call us anyway! We are here to answer your questions and gather information to help determine if you should come in right away or if you can wait a day or two for an appointment. The last thing we want is for a patient to assume they don’t have an emergency and put off seeing us. We’d rather have you call and not need emergency services than contact us to find out you don’t.

Common Dental Emergencies

What is a dental emergency? There are many common causes and symptoms that patients experience and are classified as dental emergencies. If any of these apply to your situation, contact us right away so we can help determine the severity of the issue.

  • Unbearable tooth pain
  • Fractured teeth
  • Lost filling or crown
  • A foreign object stuck in teeth
  • Mouth sores
  • Abscessed gums
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • You fell down and hit your mouth
  • Knocked out a tooth

Are You Experiencing a Dental Emergency?

Scott M. Hayhurst DMD cares about your comfort. If you are in pain, please contact us about our affordable, reliable same-day dental care.

Schedule Emergency Dental Services

If you think you need emergency dental services, contact Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Boise, ID today. We have been a top-rated dental practice in the area since 2001 and are experienced in providing care to patients who’ve suffered trauma in their teeth and gums. Protecting your teeth with brushing and flossing is essential. If you play a sport or do other physical activity, whether it’s for exercise or work that involves a lot of contact, wear a mouthguard. Eating a healthy diet will also help protect your teeth and gums. However, even with all these safeguards, you may find yourself needing emergency dental services. Contact our office right away if you do.

Schedule an Appointment