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Gentle Tooth Extractions in Boise, ID

Healthy teeth aid in our ability to eat, speak, and swallow, and taking proper care of them is essential. At times, a tooth may be required to be removed because it is unhealthy or the mouth is overcrowded with teeth. At Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer safe and careful tooth extractions for children and adult patients. Tooth extraction is not always necessary for a bothersome tooth, but a consultation with our dentist will help identify the cause and the best solution for you.

woman smiling

What Is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is the process of removing a natural tooth. While commonly associated with wisdom tooth extraction, this is not the sole reason for these procedures. Tooth extraction may also support numerous restorative and orthodontic treatments or prevent further oral health complications in the event of severe damage or decay.

Reasons Why You May Need a Tooth Extraction

Our professionals are equipped to take on a range of tooth extraction needs. Common reasons behind tooth extraction procedures include:

  • Molar or wisdom tooth extraction to correct overcrowding – When teeth are too big to fit into the mouth, or there is a presence of an extra tooth, teeth become overcrowded. Overcrowding causes crooked teeth and overlapping.
  • Severe, unsalvageable tooth decay – The first step will always be to save a tooth, but in cases of severe decay, it may be best to pull the tooth.
  • Emergency tooth extraction due to traumatic accident or injury – If teeth have been severely damaged in a traumatic accident such as a car accident or bad fall, it may be necessary to remove them.
  • Preparation for orthodontic and/or cosmetic treatment – Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums and other areas surrounding the teeth. If the disease leads to teeth becoming loose, the best and safest course may be extraction.

Understanding the Tooth Extraction Process

The tooth extraction process varies depending on the reason for the extraction and whether there is evidence of an infection. In any case, these procedures begin with a comprehensive oral examination to assess the extent of damage and the patient’s overall oral health. From there, we develop a tailored tooth removal plan.

The Tooth Extraction Procedure

At Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, tooth extraction is safe, effective, and pain-free. After administering a numbing agent to prevent discomfort, we employ a special tool to loosen and remove the tooth. If the tooth roots are curved or anchored in place, we may break the tooth into smaller pieces to facilitate removal.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

To prevent complications, proper tooth extraction aftercare is essential. As this procedure leaves an open wound, we advise patients to adopt a soft diet for a couple of days to avoid hindering the healing process. We also recommend refraining from rinsing your mouth to avoid dislodging the clot that begins to form as the extraction site heals.

Emergency Tooth Extractions in Boise, ID

Many situations that require the removal of a tooth happen over time as teeth grow in and evolve or from poor dental hygiene over an extended period. In some cases, typically due to an accident, a tooth might need to be pulled in an emergency. If you’ve suffered an accident or have a dental situation causing you severe pain, we can perform an emergency tooth extraction right here in the comfort of our Boise dental practice. Contact us in an emergency right away.

Learn More About Tooth Extraction

Patients don’t usually request to have teeth pulled, and even when a tooth is causing severe pain, the thought of a tooth extraction might sound worse. Let our team of dental professionals examine your teeth and decide the best solution for your situation. Our first goal is always to save your teeth and make your mouth as healthy as possible. If we determine an extraction is the best possible solution for an overcrowded mouth or a damaged tooth, you can be confident that we will perform it safely and carefully.

Call to Make an Appointment

If you suspect you may need a tooth extraction, you’ve come to the right place. Discover safe and effective care with Scott E. Hayhurst Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, your source for wisdom tooth and emergency tooth extraction in Boise, ID. Contact us today to schedule your oral health assessment.

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